Matt Cremona
Find Matt at www.mattcremona.com
Matt began woodworking as a hobby in 2008 while still in college. What started out as a pass time soon grew into an obsession. He began building more complex projects and was always consuming woodworking information: books, magazines, blogs, and videos.
As his interest in woodworking continued to evolve, he became fascinated with material sourcing. As time progressed, he continued to get closer and closer to the starting source of woodworking materials: the tree. He started by moving to rough sawn lumber from dimensioned lumber and then moved to sourcing freshly sawn lumber and drying it him self. Not long after he went straight to the source. Now Matt is completely involved in the entire process, from felling a tree, to milling it, to drying it, and finally making a project out of it.
Matt shares his experience, knowledge, and unique perspective with other woodworkers primarily through videos. His style of woodworking merges both power and hand tools to create pieces of furniture that will long outlive him.

Matthew Morris
Find Matthew at www.mmwoodstudio.com
Like many other woodworkers, Matthew was introduced to woodworking at a young age by watching his father build furniture. Despite considerable intrigue, his personal relationship with woodworking ended up waiting several years.
After spending years sitting in front of a computer writing code, Matthew came to realize that his electronic creations, although being used, would disappear as technology progressed. While still in his twenties, he discovered that he wanted to create something that would last for hundreds of years, make its owners happy and be enjoyed by many.
A woodworker was born!
Today, Matthew wants to take his love of woodworking and combine it with his love of Teaching and help other woodworkers learn and build beautiful furniture. Since he started teaching at Moorpark College in Fall of 2001 he has always had a desire to help others learn, grow and become better human beings.
Now, he is combining both of these passions and bringing to the world MM Wood Studio. A new online wood working school specializing in intermediate to advanced level projects deconstructed for the home woodworker.